Twitter is the social network with the highest rate of growth. This definitely is a very important aspect which can’t be neglected. It impresses with its economic potential yet the essence of Twitter was very well described in a tweet of my friend which said the following, Facebook is for friends you went to college with and Twitter is for people with whom you wished you went to college with. A lot of people believe in the power of Twitter and create accounts but here intervene the rules of this network: everything is done within 140 characters. How to present yourself or how to make your products or services well-known in such a short space?
Certainly, the charm of Twitter consists in this limitation; some people say that this prohibition is harmfully killing any possibility of advertising but the creative ones found easily new and new solutions to make an SMS message “bigger” than 140 characters. A common solution of saying more about you and your offer is the background; the default one is pretty cool but when it is used by more than a half of the users, it becomes boring. In fact a Twitter presence can be divided in two parts:
-the written one which in fact is the bio and the tweets.
How to Design a Twitter Background
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Read more : How to Design a Twitter Background
Saturday, August 27, 2011
How to Design a Twitter Background
by Suresh Patel
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