Pricing and signup page is the key factor to your sales. Pricing pages normally give details on various packages/options and the differences within them. They are there to make visitors clear about the product. Therefore, the design of the pricing page is very important.
Modern sites for web applications, web services and web hosting providers tend to decorate their pricing and signup pages attractive as possible. Tables are being used to compare and shows the various options available. Table is good for comparison purpose and it helps potential customers to make better decision.
Different approaches are being implemented on pricing page. Here, we are going to look into some of the creative approaches for pricing page and product comparison table designs. Also, we will be discussing about tips and advices for designing a creative pricing page. Let’s start with the tips & advices. After all, we will proceed to the showcase.
1. Comparison Tables With Detailed Feature
If you are offering multiple options for your product, and there are significant differences within each package, it is advisable to have a table and clearly list down the detailed features and differences within them.
The table should helps users spot the differences and help them to make decision.
Example: Expression Engine
Expression Engine has three different type of packages: Core(free), Personal and Commercial. The pricing table clearly explains the modules included, and also term of use for each option.
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Read more : Pricing Table Comparison : Tips, Tricks, Advices and Inspirations
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